Welcome to LPRCAM.net

Content from the workshop on video surveillance and license plate reading camera systems sponsored by the North Hills Community Association on August 24, 2023. 

Here is a link to the PDF of the Powerpoint deck.

Videos of the workshop appear below. 

The first video is the initial hour covering the basics of home video surveillance systems. About 1 hour.


Next is the video of the more technical discussion of license plate reading (LPR) cameras.  About 30 minutes.  You may also want to view the Q&A portion of the introduction video above as many LPR camera questions were asked and answered.  Q&A starts at around 41 minutes.


IMPORTANT NOTE:  It is illegal in the state of California to record a conversation without the other party's consent.  Best to turn off the audio feature of any camera you deploy. 

Below are links referred to in the workshop and my technical camera setting details:

POE powerline adapter:  https://www.amazon.com/NexusLink-Powerline-Adapter-Ethernet-GPL-1200PoE/dp/B07NQ76B7M/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3IXG8J1D3EMEX&keywords=nexuslink+g.hn+powerline+ethernet+adapter&qid=1692742030&sprefix=nexuslink+g.hn%2Caps%2C198&sr=8-5


Amcrest analog system:  https://www.amazon.com/Amcrest-5-Megapixel-Security-Pre-Installed-AMDV5M8-4TN-W-2TB/dp/B0B9HW6QV3/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=30QLTO8687NJB&keywords=amcrest+5-megapixel+8+channel&qid=1692742117&sprefix=amcrest+5-megapixel+8+channel%2Caps%2C151&sr=8-1-spons&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.c3015c4a-46bb-44b9-81a4-dc28e6d374b3&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1


Swann Master 4K Ip system: https://www.amazon.com/Swann-Security-Surveillance-Detection-Recording/dp/B0BVX5HYH6/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2NYLZXWRZ46DV&keywords=swann+master+4k+8+channel&qid=1692742163&sprefix=swann+master+4k+8+channel%2Caps%2C153&sr=8-3


Swann 8 channel, 4 camera IP system:  https://www.bestbuy.com/site/swann-refurbished-8-channel-2tb-4-x-4k-poe-cameras-w-dual-led-spotlights-face-dection-black-white/6532516.p?skuId=6532516


Dummy cameras: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=dummy+cameras&crid=3OCKVVVP3AWRA&sprefix=dummy+cameras%2Caps%2C197&ref=nb_sb_noss_1


Blue Iris Software

Sighthound Software


License Plate Reading Systems

Dahua cameras

Turret camera for 10-25 ft plate reading

Bullet camera for up to 120 ft plate reading

CPU Benchmark website

IP Camera Talk website

Youtube.com channels

The Hook Up

Learn Blue Iris

Dahua wiki

Download Dahua Config Tool

Pale Moon browser  be sure to download the 32 bit verson for Windows


ALPR within Blue Iris software

Two YouTube videos explain how to install Codeproject.Ai inside Blue iris software.  The first explains a generic installation.  The second details license plate recognition.

Generic installation

ALPR installation



ALPR vendors

www.rekor.ai  (Uses Open Source ALPR code, commercial)

www.github.com for Open Source ALPR code (C++)



Camera settings for my Dahua LPR cameras

Click  >CONDITIONS (in left column)

Profile management tab:  night, full time

Zoom and Focus tab:  use slider to set zoom to width of road/area monitored.  Click Auto Focus, or focus manually

>Picture: Night, Vivid, Brightness 50, Contrast 71, Saturation/Sharpness and Gamma all 50.  Mirror OFF, Flip 0 degrees.

>Exposure:  Night, Outdoor, Shutter Priority, 1/4000, 3D NR On, Grade 17.

>Backlight:  Night, HLD, 75

>WB (white balance):  Night, Auto

>Day & Night:  Night, Auto, Middle, 6s

>IR Light:  Night, Manual, 100, 100.

 Click SAVE button

Click >VIDEO (in left column)

Video Tab


Smart Codec:  off

Resolution:  1920*1080

Frame Rate:  20

Bit Rate Type:  CBR

Bit Rate:  6144

Frame Interval:  40

Overlay Tab

Pretty self explanatory.  Privacy masking, titles to appear on screen etc.

Click SAVE button

Click  >SYSTEM (in left column)


Date & Time Tab

Choose date format, time format and current time.  Personally, I Sync with PC and remind myself to reset each camera when DST occurs.


Barry Pilger
North Oakland Hills
August 2023